Artificial intelligence
with ChatBot Demo


Artificial intelligence is the part of computer science concerned with designing intelligent computer systems, that is, computer systems that exhibit the characteristics we associate with intelligence in human behaviour - understanding language, learning, reasoning and solving problems.

Artificial intelligence makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. Most AI examples that you hear about today – from chess-playing computers to self-driving cars – rely heavily on deep learning and natural language processing. Using these technologies, computers can be trained to accomplish specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns in the data.

A ChatBot is an AI enabled computer program which conducts a conversation via text or audio methods. They are designed to simulate human behavior as a conversational partner. ChatBots are uniquely qualified to enhance productivity of any business as they are available round-the-clock and provide instant response to any queries. What makes ChatBots most successful is the underlying technologies it’s built on. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning allow a ChatBot to ‘learn’ appropriate responses based on the data it receives from customer interactions and from databases. ChatBots are the future of content discovery and content delivery. In the near future websites and apps will all be conversational and multi-modal.


  • • Understanding AI and its importance in the world today
  • • Looking at various applications of AI
  • • Learning how an AI enabled ChaBot functions
  • • Learning to build an AI ChatBot


  • • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence- 10 mins - A complete introduction to Artificial Intelligence, extraordinary success by ordinary people, and the benefits of learning this skill.
  • • Understanding the ChatBot – 10 mins Understanding ChatBot and the process of it.
  • • Building and Publishing your First ChatBotApp -20 mins Live demonstration of creating a complete ChatBot from scratch.
  • • A Window of the Future – 5 mins Building a world of unlimited opportunities through computer science.
  • • Questions & Answers


  • • DIY ChatBot Worksheet
  • • Worksheet Solution

About the Facilitator

Ms. Yashi Singh is Director - Corporate Relation and Faculty of Computing Science at University of Stirling – RAK campus. She also works as Program Director- Computing: Software Development at SQA-RAK center. She has over 7 years of teaching experience and is an Associate Fellow of Higher Education Academy – UK. She specializes in Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.