Ms. Preetha is a teaching professional in Computing Science department of the University of Stirling Ras Al Khaimah campus. She has 10+ years of experience in Industry and Academia. She holds a Master’s degree (M.Tech) in Computer and Information Science from CUSAT as well as MBA in Finance from Pondicherry university. She is an Associate Fellow of Higher Education Academy-UK(AFHEA) and earned “Python for Data Science” Certification with a digital Badge issued by IBM.
In addition to teaching responsibility, she is a significant member of the Quality Assurance & Examination cell and a member in other institutional committees such as the Research & Innovation cell, and the Staff Welfare Committee.
Her area of research interest includes Machine Learning, Data Science, Predictive Analytics, and Computer Vision.

Ms Preetha V K
Assistant Professor, Department of Computing
Command and Control System
In June 2022, I got an amazing opportunity to undergo a two-week internship at Intell(i) Dubai. Intell(i) is (Command and control) C2 system of one of its kind that integrates the input from different platforms and correlates the events.
Command and control centre(CCC) is a secure room in a facility that provides centralized monitoring, control, and command of a situation. Many organisations like military, emergency operations centres, federal agencies corporations, energy and utilities organisations, transportation, industry etc need command and control centres. This was the first time; I was introduced to a C2 system which I had only seen in Netflix series so far.

The power of command-and-Control (C2) lies in their ability to bring multiple disciplines or actors together in a crisis that could be a natural disaster, shooting at a public place or any defence catastrophe. Any efficient C2 system must be able to identify and react to changes, provide continuous and interactive process, and certainly reduce the chaos.

Been around of decades, Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to be immensely applicable and continuously progressing. It was fascinating to see how AI is also an integral part of Command and Control (C2) systems, and these systems can be further enhanced with an intention to improve the decision-making capabilities of command and control system to superhuman performance. Potential benefits of AI in C2 can be extended to a faster speed of decision making and enhanced capability of dealing with voluminous and heterogenic data. Further AI can be applied for improved planning and execution dynamism and hence result in better utilization of human capital in any specific applications, for example, force management or battle management.
Another amazing fact I came across was that the industry innovators have started working to create fully functional virtual workspace with the help of metaverse that is expected to become the future of the internet. A technology ecosystem that will virtually mimic everything from the real world. There are already some applications out there that can be considered metaverses. We’re talking about digital twins – digital environments that perfectly mimic the real world. Freed from the constraints of 2D displays, the metaverse enables important capabilities.
During the internship periods, apart from the practical knowledge gained from Intell(i), I was provided with good articles to read which helped me to understand in-depth about CCC and its applications and emerging trends. I could find that there are still big challenges to tackle, as processing power is yet not up to the mark to create an all-time present digital and virtual 3D world. There is still an evolutionary approach to the impact that AI can bring to C2 systems, and it will become more revolutionary and gradually change the way operations are carried out in C2 systems. I hope from this knowledge, I can come up with ideas for an article.
I sincerely enjoyed my time at Intell(i), thank you to our University- University of Stirling RAK Campus and the amazing staff of Intell(i) for being patient, sparing their time and imparting knowledge. Additionally, there is tremendous potential contribution that I can do as a researcher. AI and metaverse, Command centres are slowly moving from a reactive approach to proactive approaches which leaves a lot of scope for research in this field. As a whole, the motive of the internship was praiseworthy.