On the 26th May, 2020, Ms. Shanthi Rajan, Director – Institution Development, University of Stirling and SQA Diplomas, RAK Campus conducted a highly enlightening and enriching session for 730 participants for AIMS Business School and AIMS Institutes, Bangalore, India. Our deep sense of gratitude to Dr. Kalpana Venugopal, Associate Professor and Program Director – MBA, AIMS B SCHOOL, AIMS INSTITUTES , Bangalore for organizing this session. The session was conducted as part of University of Stirling, RAK campus’s SRQ initiative on a pertinent topic Social and Emotional Intelligence (S+EI). It was interesting to see how we could use an online webinar platform to engage participants and also by having activities of using psychometric personality profiling to assess the personality type and linking that to 2 key S+EI competencies, Emotional Self-Awareness and Behavioural Self Control. Our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Kalpana Venugopal and the management of AIMS Business School and AIMS institutes for this wonderful opportunity! We are truly humbled, thank you!!